Loan and Rate Calculators
Making better financial decisions just got easier
Planning your finances isn’t always simple. Whether you’re planning a household budget or comparing loans, our personal finance calculators can help take the guesswork out of managing your money.
Want to know more about what Consumers can offer you before making your next big financial decision? Check out our current rates to see what we can do for your budget, your life and your family.
Loan and Personal Finance Calculators
Plan out your next financial move
With options including mortgage rates, personal budget calculators, loan repayment calculators and more, Consumers can help you understand your financial needs and better plan for your unique budget.
Loan Calculators
Personal Finance Calculators
Mortgage Calculators
Investment Calculators
Loan Calculators
Personal Finance Calculators
Mortgage Calculators
Mortgage Refinance Break Even Calculator
Mortgage Tax Savings Calculator
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Payments Calculator
Mortgage 15 vs. 30-Year Calculator
Investment Calculators