
How Members Have Changed Their Lifestyles to Save Money


Young black woman smiling while holding a pink piggy bank with money sticking out of the top.

At Consumers Credit Union, we’re always looking for ways to help our members save money. That’s why we recently surveyed our members to find out how they’ve changed their lifestyles to save. Here are some of the most common responses:

  • Budgeting: Many of our members said that they’ve started sticking to a budget. This has helped them track their spending and ensure they’re not overspending.
  • Buying less: Others said that they’ve simply started buying less stuff. This includes everything from clothes to electronics to household goods.
  • Buying more items on sale: Some members mentioned that they’re taking advantage of sales and discounts more often This may mean waiting to buy things until they’re on sale or looking for coupons and discounts.
  • Cutting the cable: A few members responded that they’ve cut cable TV to save money. This has freed up money that can be allocated for other things.
  • DIY: Some members said that they’re doing more do-it-yourself projects around the house to save cash. This may include things like home repairs, car maintenance, décor, yard work and more.
  • Reducing the number of trips to save gas: To save on gas, a few of our members said that they’re running all their errands at once. This means planning ahead and making a list of everything that needs to be done, so that they can accomplish it all in one trip.
  • Eating out less: A large number of our members said they’re opting to cook more meals at home and eating out less often. This has helped them to save money on food costs.
  • Making coffee at home: To save on their morning caffeine fix, many members said they’re making coffee at home instead of buying it from a coffee shop.
  • Buying generic brand food: Some members said that they’re buying generic/store brand food instead of the name brand.
  • Working more: Of course, making more money helps, too! Members also reported they’ve started working more hours or getting a second job to offset money shortfalls.

We’re proud of our members for taking these steps to save money. We know that it can be tough to make changes to your lifestyle, but these shifts can really add up over time. If you’re looking for ways to save, we encourage you to try these tips.

How members changed their lifestyles to save money infographic with 10 different ways members have made changes to save money with icons for each.

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