
How to Write Job Postings that Attract Great Candidates


Two people shake hands over a table during a job interview.

A great job posting plays a vital role in attracting great people.

Attracting top talent right now is difficult because job seekers have an abundance of options. With the widespread adoption of remote work, applicants are not limited to opportunities within a geographic location. One way to attract great candidates is to write a great job posting. Here are some tips on how to make your job stand out.

Make a good first impression
A job posting may be a candidate’s first encounter with your company – be sure it leaves a lasting positive first impression. The language and tone used in a job posting should adequately reflect your brand and values. It’s okay to be playful and unconventional if it fits the role and the culture of your business.

Keep it brief
A job posting is not the place for a lengthy description of the job and your company. More than five paragraphs and job seekers will likely move along to the next. Limit the post to a quick description of your company, a summary of the job, the salary range and why the job is attractive.

The posting should entice prospective employees to learn more. Use links to help tell your story. Google and Glassdoor reviews show what others think about working at and with your company. A recruitment landing page on your website can be tailored to different audiences and help convert users into applicants. A landing page also provides a way of sharing videos and photos to connect with prospective employees.

Use key words
Make sure your job post is seen by the right candidates by using relevant key words. Online research will uncover the words job seekers frequently use to find positions like the one with your company.

Get feedback before posting
Before the posting goes live, have colleagues review it and provide feedback. Ask for suggestions on making the position sound more appealing to candidates.

Make sure your job posting is seen
Posting a job advertisement is not one-and-done. Have a plan for multiple shares on your social media channels. Also, reach out to your network and your customers. Someone you know may know of the perfect person for the position.

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