
Non-Toxic Ways to Get Rid of Weeds


A person using a weeding fork to remove a mass of dandelions from their lawn.
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Safer ways to remove weeds from your yard and garden without the harsh chemicals.

Many homeowners prefer to have their lawn and landscaping free of weeds, but getting rid of them without chemicals, which can harm wildlife and pollinators, is tricky. Discover a few non-toxic ways to get rid of weeds in your garden.

Physical removal

Hand-pulling weeds is a method that’s as old as gardening itself. Put on a pair of gloves and head out after a rain when the soil is most loose. Grab the weed close to the ground so none of the roots are left behind. For weeds with tap roots, such as dandelions, a weeding fork makes it easier to remove the whole root. Bigger weeds may need to be dug up with a shovel.

Any pulled weeds without seeds can be safely tossed on your compost pile. Those with seeds are best tossed in the trash so they aren’t inadvertently replanted when you spread the compost on your lawn or garden.

Spot treat weeds

One of the easiest ways to kill weeds is by pouring boiling water on the plants. This method can be especially useful for weeds that come up through cracks in sidewalks or driveways. Simply boil water on your stove, then pour it with care so you don’t accidentally spill or splash any on yourself.

You could also mix a homemade non-toxic weed spray. Combine a gallon of white vinegar with two cups of salt, both Epsom and table salt will work, and about a quarter cup of dishwashing soap. Spray the solution on weeds until the leaves are saturated. Protect nearby desirable plants from overspray with cardboard or plastic sheeting. Some weeds are more resilient than others and may require more than one treatment.

Understand organic herbicides

If you choose to use one of the many organic herbicides, make sure you understand how it works before you use it. Most are non-selective which means they will kill any plants they touch. Some are recommended for use on immature weed only. And many organic herbicides need to be applied on a sunny day that’s 75 degrees or warmer to effectively work. Be sure to read labels carefully to choose an organic product that will address your specific weed problem.

Mass weed suppression

To get rid of weeds throughout a large area try suppressing them. A thick layer of mulch can deprive weeds of the light and carbon dioxide they need to grow.

Another technique is to overheat weeds with a plastic sheeting. Mow or remove tall plants, turn over the soil with a tiller or shovel, water the ground thoroughly, then spread plastic over the area. Pin or weight down the edges of the plastic. It will take a month or so for the greenhouse effect to do its work. In the meantime, you can plan what to plant next.

Inspired to improve your yard?

A curious thing happens when many of us get out and weed: we’re inspired to improve our yards and gardens even more. For bigger projects that require more cash than you may have on-hand, consider a Consumers home equity line of credit (HELOC).

Consumers helps thousands of members finance land, first and second homes, and home improvement projects each year. We’d love to help you with a mortgage or home equity line of credit; contact us online or call us at 800.991.2221.

*All loans subject to approval. Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on credit worthiness, qualifications, and collateral conditions.

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