
Start thinking about your holiday savings


Christmas gifts wrapped in festive holiday colors in a pile.
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Santa is on his way so don’t delay!

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Summer has exited stage left, and the holiday season is ready to make its 2019 debut. Food, family and—unfortunately—stress are a big part of the season. While we can’t help you with your cousin’s latest fad diet or your aunt’s political views, we can relieve some of the stress that comes along with the holiday shopping season.

Here are some ways you can save money this holiday season!

1. Open a Christmas Savings account! The easiest way to save money for the holiday season is to actually save! At Consumers, you can open a Christmas Savings Account to sock some money away before the stockings come out. Set up automatic transfers every pay day and, we’ll keep on hold until October 1 (so you’re not tempted to spend it before). This can help you budget and stay on track with your spending. Head over here to set up your holiday savings account today!

2. Discover has 6 tips that are sure to help you save. Our favorite? “Treat yo self less.” Skip those coffees and that lunch on the run, and you’ll be able to afford those new sweaters for your nephews and nieces!

3. Bankrate has thrown out some wacky ways to get those gifts without breaking the bank. Did you know you can get money by recycling your old electronics? The Christmas clutter of yesteryear becomes the Christmas gifts of today!

4. Finally, Dave Ramsey offers his holiday saving advice. Have you ever thought about a DIY Christmas? Handmade in America with love and thoughtfulness! DIY don’t mind if I do!

With a little planning, saving and thoughtfulness, you can turn holiday stress into holiday hoorays! We’re always here to help you out. Don’t forget to start your savings account today!

Federally insured by NCUA.

Start saving today

Santa is on his way so don’t delay!

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