
Tips for Saving on Home Heating Costs


A smart thermostat built into a wall set at 63-degrees Fahrenheit.
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Stay as warm as possible for as little as possible with these practical things to keep gas and energy bills low.

Officially, we’re barely two weeks into winter but the season went into full swing long before the solstice. Unfortunately, the cold temps bring higher utility bills for home heating. Here are some tips for staying warm and keeping energy bills as low as possible.

Use a programmable thermostat

It’s worth taking time to program your thermostat so your home is heated in sync with your schedule. According to Energy.gov, you can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling cost by turning your thermostat back 7-10° for eight hours each day. Consider lowering the temperatures when you’re gone during the day and while you sleep.

Also, if you’re going to be gone for a day or more, you can override the programmed settings without affecting the programming. Turn down the heat when you know you’ll be away from home.

Layer up

One of the easiest ways to stay warm when you turn down the thermostat is to wear more layers. Start with a base layer that wicks moisture away from your skin. Then add your favorite sweater, hoodie or fleece. Go ahead and wear a scarf in the house, too. In fact, wear whatever makes you feel warm and cozy.

You can also layer your bedding. Flannel sheets in combination with a quilt or blanket can hold heat throughout the night. If you prefer warmth without weight, invest in a high-quality down comforter. 

Take advantage of the sun

Open blinds and curtains during the day to allow the sun’s radiant energy to warm your home. Be sure to close them when sun goes down to trap the colder air that accumulates around windows and prevent it from moving throughout your rooms.

Limit the use of exhaust fans

Kitchen and bath fans work by moving air out of your home. In the winter, they remove precious heated air. Limit heat loss by only using exhaust fans when absolutely necessary.

Check furniture placement

Furniture that blocks heat vents can make a room uncomfortably chilly. Rearrange furniture to optimize the flow of heated air. If you can’t move your furniture around, consider a vent extender that redirects trapped air from under furniture and out into the room.

Use ceiling fans to distribute warm air

Setting your ceiling fan on a low speed in a clockwise direction will help move warm air near the ceiling down the walls and around the room.

Use these tips to keep heating costs lower and stay warm this winter.

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